SWIM 2018
11th Summer Workshop on Interval Methods
July 25-27, 2018
at the University of Rostock, Germany
Main building (Aula) of the University of Rostock
Universitätsplatz 1
18055 Rostock
Aim of SWIM
Traditionally, workshops in the series of SWIM provide a platform for both theoretical and applied researchers who work on the development, implementation, and application of interval methods, verified numerics, and other related (set-membership) techniques. Possible areas of usage can be found in the fields of
- the verified solution of initial value problems for ordinary differential equations, differential-algebraic system models, and partial differential equations,
- scientific computing with guaranteed error bounds,
- the design of robust and fault-tolerant control systems,
- the implementation of corresponding software libraries, and
- the usage of the mentioned approaches for a large variety of system models in areas such as control engineering, data analysis, signal and image processing
- ...
In contrast to classical conferences, we would like to encourage all researchers to use SWIM 2018 as a forum for a lively discussion of current research work as well as state-of-the-art techniques. Hence, not only fully worked out novel results, but also review contributions summarizing previous work in a concise (and critically analyzed) manner as well as reports about ongoing research activities will be welcome.
To ensure the visibility of our workshop, peer-reviewed full contributions of accepted and presented abstracts will be collected and published after SWIM.
Information concerning abstract submission and post-workshop proceedings can be found below.
Previous Editions of SWIM
The SWIM workshop series was initiated by the French MEA working group on Set Computation and Interval Techniques of the French research group on Automatic Control GDR MACS, where the MEA group especially aimed at promoting interval analysis techniques and applications to a broader community of researchers. Since 2008, SWIM has become an annual keystone event for researchers dealing with various aspects of interval and set-membership methods.
Previous editions of SWIM were held in:
- Manchester, UK in 2017
- Lyon, France in 2016
- Prague, Czech Republic in 2015
- Uppsala, Sweden in 2014
- Brest, France in 2013
- Oldenburg, Germany in 2012
- Bourges, France in 2011
- Nantes, France in 2010
- Lausanne, France in 2009
- Montpellier, France in 2008
In view of the fact that the city of Rostock will celebrate its 800th anniversary in 2018 and that the University of Rostock (founded in 1419) can look back to an almost 600-year time span of tradition and innovation, we cordially invite you to participate in our workshop with interesting contributions.
Scope and Topics
- Verification and Validation
- Robust and Nonlinear Control Systems
- State Estimation
- Interval Observer Design
- Parameter Identification
- Fault Detection and Diagnosis, Fault Tolerant Systems
- Stability, Reachability, Observability
- Reliable Software Design
- Robotics
- Mathematics
- Verified Solution of Algebraic and Dynamic System Models
- Verified Numerics and Scientific Computing
- Linear Algebra
- etc.
Abstract Submission and Registration
Registration fees
Traditionally, there is no registration fee for the workshop series of SWIM. Hence, we kindly ask all workshop participants to pay for their expenses (lunch breaks and dinner/ social program) on their own.
Details about the planned activities will be published after the registration deadline.
Hotel discount offers
Each registered participant will be notified by e-mail about special conditions in local hotels. Please note that the corresponding discount codes may only be used for the purpose of participation at SWIM 2018.
In order to register for SWIM 2018, please send a brief e-mail including your complete affiliation to the local workshop organizers:
Please do not forget to mention any special needs concerning foods in lunch and coffee breaks.
Abstract submission
Please submit a 2-page abstract to the local workshop organizers (swim2018uni-rostockde) according to the following LaTeX style file. Please make sure that the abstract contains your complete affiliation, that the presenting author is indicated in your submission e-mail and that the abstract contains an appropriate list of references.
FINAL Abstract submission deadline
June 04, 2018
LaTeX template
Authors with accepted abstracts will be informed in this section about the submission and review process of their proceedings papers (after the closing of SWIM 2018).
Scientific Program
Program of SWIM 2018 (download as pdf)
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
- get-together and welcome reception in the evening
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
- scientific program
- evening sightseeing tour
Thursday, July 26, 2018
- scientific program
- dinner
Friday, July 27, 2018
- scientific program
- An Interval Median Algebra
- VERICOMP: Comparing and Recommending Verified IVP Solvers
- Measurement Errors in Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Fluid Flows
- Guaranteed SLAM- Practical Considerations
- Guaranteed Bounding Zones for GNSS Positioning by Geometrical Constraints
- Bringing Intervals Into ROS, the Robot Operating System
- AdolC4Matlab - An Interface between MATLAB and ADOL-C for Applications in Nonlinear Control
- Interval State Estimation With Data Association
- Multi-robots pose Domain Characterization Using Interval Methods
- Transformation of Dynamic Systems Into a Cooperative Form to Exploit Advantages in Interval-based Controller Design
- Traveling Waves in a Chemotaxis Model
- Verified Solution of an Optimal Control Problem for Elastic Rod Motions Based on the Ritz Method
- Global Optimisation as a Geodetic Tool in Network Adjustment
- Reliable Visual Analytics as Part of a Process Quality Asessment
- Inner and Outer Approximation of the Viability Kernel for a Bounded Uncertain System
- Reachability Analysis for a Class of Uncertain Discrete-Time Systems
- Optimal Switching Instants for the Control of Hybrid Systems
- Accurate and Reproducible Matrix Multiplication
- Observability of Nonlinear Systems Using Interval Analysis
- Data, Langrangian, Action!
- On Mode Discernibility and Bounded-error State Estimation With Hybrid Systems
- A Set-Membership Approach to Parametric Synthesis of Reliable Stabilising Controllers
- State Estimation and Control Design for Cooperative Dynamic Systems
- Static Output Feedback Control by Interval Eigenvalue Placement Using Quantifier Elimination
- Reliable Propagation of Time Uncertainties in Dynamical Systems
- A Robust Fault Detection Method Using a Zonotopic Kaucher Set-membership Approach - Application to a Real Single-Tank Process
- Safe Approximation of Probabilities
- RGB-Laser Odometry Under Interval Uncertainty for Guaranteed Localization
- Computer-assisted existence proofs for one-dimensional Schrödinger-Poisson Systems
- Interval Estimation for Continious-time LPV Switched Systems
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Organization and Contact
Local organizing committee
Prof. Dr. rer.nat. habil. Ekaterina Auer
Department of Electrical Engineering
Hochschule Wismar
University of Technology, Business and Design
D-23966 Wismar, Germany
M.Sc. Julia Kersten
Chair of Mechatronics
University of Rostock
D-18059 Rostock
PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Andreas Rauh
Chair of Mechatronics
University of Rostock
D-18059 Rostock
The local workshop organizers can be reached by e-mail (swim2018uni-rostockde) or phone (+49 (0)381/ 498-9216, Andreas Rauh; or +49 (0)381/ 498-9218, Julia Kersten)
International program committee members
- Prof. Luc Jaulin, ENSTA Bretagne, France
- Prof. Nacim Ramdani, Université d'Orléans, France
- Dr. Alexandru Stancu, The University of Manchester, UK