Prof. Dr.-Ing. Harald Aschemann



Universität Rostock
Lehrstuhl für Mechatronik

Justus-von-Liebig Weg 6
18059 Rostock
Raum: 06

Tel.: +49 381 / 498 - 9210
Fax: +49 381 / 498 - 9092


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seit 2006: Universitätsprofessor und Leiter des Lehrstuhls für Mechatronik

2015: Gastprofessur an der NKU Torun, Polen

seit 2017: Gastprofessur und Lehrauftrag an der TU Lodz, Polen


Akademische Selbstverwaltung

Vorsitzender des Prüfungsausschusses der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik

Studienfachberater für die Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge Mechatronik

Mitglied der Studienkommission der Fakultät für Maschinenbau und Schiffstechnik

Mitglied des Konzils der Universität Rostock

Fakultätsbeauftragter für Internationale Angelegenheiten



Associate Editor: Journal of the Franklin Institute, Elsevier

Associate Editor: Mechatronics, Elsevier

Associate Editor: Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Taylor & Francis

Associate Editor: International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Poland



Bücher, Sonderhefte und Buchbeiträge

Bücher, Sonderhefte und Buchbeiträge

  1. V. V. Saurin; G. V. Kostin; A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Adaptive Control Strategy in Heat Transfer Problems with System Parameter Uncertainties Based on a Projective Approach, In: A. Rauh and E. Auer (Eds.), Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, Mathematical Engineering, (Series Editors: C. Hillermeier, J. Huber, S. Schäffler, A. Gilg), Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  2. A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Structural Analysis for the Design of Reliable Controllers and State Estimators for Uncertain Dynamical Systems, In: A. Rauh and E. Auer (Eds.), Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, Mathematical Engineering, (Series Editors: C. Hillermeier, J. Huber, S. Schäffler, A. Gilg), Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  3. H. Aschemann, D. Schindele and J. Ritzke; State and disturbance estimation for robust control of fast flexible rack feeders, In: A. Rauh and E. Auer (Eds), Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, Mathematical Engineering, (Series Editors: C. Hillermeier, J. Huber, S. Schäffler, A. Gilg), Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  4. A. Rauh and H. Aschemann; Interval Methods for Verification and Implementation of Robust Controllers, In: J. Lévine and P. Müllhaupt (Eds.), Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems, with Physical Modelling, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series, vol. 407, (Series Editors: M. Thoma, F. Allgöwer, M. Morari), pp. 201-211, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  5. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; Sliding-Mode Control for a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, In: J. Lévine and P. Müllhaupt (Eds.), Advances in the Theory of Control, Signals and Systems, with Physical Modelling, Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences Series, vol. 407, (Series Editors: M. Thoma, F. Allgöwer, M. Morari), pp. 31-40, Springer-Verlag, 2011.
  6. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Sliding mode control applied to a novel linear axis actuated by pneumatic muscles, Sliding Mode Control, InTech,ISBN 978-953-307-1093-8, 2011.
  7. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; Model predictive trajectory control for high-speed rack feeders, In: T. Zheng (Ed), Model Predictive Control, Sciyo, 2010.
  8. H. Aschemann; Passivity-Based Trajectory Control of an Overhead Crane by Interconnection and Damping Assignment, In: H. Ulbrich, L. Ginzinger (Eds.), Motion and Vibration Control, Springer Science + Business Media B.V., pp. 21-30, 2009.
  9. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Nonlinear Optimal Control of a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, In: S. Pennacchio (Ed.), Emerging Technologies, Robotics and Control Systems, third edition, International Society for Advanced Research, INTERNATIONALSAR, ISBN 978-88-901928-8-3, pp. 27-33, 2009.
  10. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; Adaptive Backstepping Control of a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, In: S. Pennacchio (Ed.), Recent Advances in Control Systems, Robotics and Automation, Vol. 1, third edition, International Society for Advanced Research,
    INTERNATIONALSAR, ISBN 978-88-901928-6-9, pp. 110-116, 2009.
  11. H. Aschemann, M. Knestel and E.P. Hofer; Nonlinear Control Strategies for a Parallel Robot Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, In: F.L. Chernousko, G.V. Kostin, V.V. Saurin (Eds.), Advances in Mechanics - Dynamics and Control. Nauka, Moscow, Russia, pp. 38-45, 2008.
  12. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; Nonlinear Model-Based Control of a Parallel Robot Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, In: H. Aschemann (Ed.), New Approaches in Automation and Robotics, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, pp. 25-40, 2008.
  13. H. Aschemann (Ed.); New Approaches in Automation and Robotics, I-Tech Education and Publishing, Vienna, Austria, 2008.
  14. O. Sawodny, E.P. Hofer, H. Aschemann and A. Bulach; Active Control of a Large Scale Flexible Robot Arm, in: M. Braun (Ed.), 9th German-Japanese Seminar Nonlinear Problems in Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, Straelen, 2000, Shaker Verlag, Aachen, pp. 249-262, 2002.
  15. H. Aschemann; Optimale Trajektorienplanung und modellgestützte Steuerung und Regelung für einen Brückenkran, Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 8, Nr. 929, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 2002.
  16. A. Bulach, O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann und E.P. Hofer; Modellbasierte Bahnregelung für eine Drehleiter mit Hydraulikantrieb, In: K. Panreck und F. Dörrscheidt (Eds.), Frontiers in Simulation - Fortschrittsberichte Simulation, 15. Symposium Simulationstechnik ASIM 2001, Paderborn, SCS Publishing House, S. 291-296, 2001.
  17. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, S. Lahres und E.P. Hofer; Tracking Control for Automated Bridge Cranes, Proc. EURISCON 98 The 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference, Athen, Greece, 1998, In: S.G. Tzafestas (Ed.), Advances in Manufacturing, Decision, Control and Information Technology, Springer-Verlag, London Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 310-320, 1999.
Begutachtete Zeitschriftenaufsätze

Begutachtete Zeitschriftenaufsätze

  1. V. V. Saurin; G. V. Kostin; A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Variational Approach to Adaptive Control Design for Distributed Heating Systems under Disturbances, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Special Issue on Heat Transfer, 2011.
  2. A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Parameter Identification and Observer-Based Control for Distributed Heating Systems -- The Basis for Temperature Control of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Stacks, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 2011.
  3. H. Aschemann; J. Minisini; A. Rauh: Interval Arithmetic Techniques for the Design of Controllers for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Applications in Mechatronics - Part 2, Izvestiya RAN. Teoriya i sistemy upravleniya (Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International), No. 6, pp. 3-15, 2010 (Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, Vol. 49, No. 6, pp. 833-846, 2010).
  4. H. Aschemann; J. Minisini; A. Rauh: Interval Arithmetic Techniques for the Design of Controllers for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Applications in Mechatronics - Part 1, Izvestiya RAN. Teoriya i sistemy upravleniya (Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International), No. 5, pp. 5-16, 2010 (Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, Vol. 49, No. 5, pp. 683-695, 2010).
  5. H. Aschemann; G. V. Kostin; A. Rauh; V. V. Saurin: Approaches to Control Design and Optimization in Heat Transfer Problems, Izvestiya RAN. Teoriya i sistemy upravleniya (Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International), No. 3, pp. 40-51, 2010 (Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International, Vol. 49, No. 3, pp. 380-391, 2010).
  6. A. Rauh; G. V. Kostin; H. Aschemann; V. V. Saurin; V. Naumov: Verification and Experimental Validation of Flatness-Based Control for Distributed Heating Systems, International Review of Mechanical Engineering, Special Issue on Heat Transfer, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 188-200, 2010.
  7. I. Krasnochtanova, A. Rauh, M. Kletting, H. Aschemann, E.P. Hofer and K.-M. Schoop; Interval Methods as a Simulation Tool for the Dynamics of Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes with Parameter Uncertainties, Applied Mathematical Modeling, Elsevier, Vol. 34, No. 3, pp. 744-762, 2010.
  8. A. Rauh; J. Minisini; E. P. Hofer; H. Aschemann: Robust and Optimal Control of Uncertain Dynamical Systems with State-Dependent Switchings Using Interval Arithmetic, Special Issue of Reliable Computing, 13th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics SCAN2008, El Paso, USA, 2008.
  9. A. Rauh; E. Auer; M. Freihold; E. P. Hofer; H. Aschemann: Detection and Reduction of Overestimation in Guaranteed Simulations of Hamiltonian Systems with Applications in Mechanics, Special Issue of Reliable Computing, 13th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics SCAN2008, El Paso, USA, 2008.
  10. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; Sliding-Mode Control of a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 55, No. 11, pp. 3855-3864, 2008.
  11. M. Danzer, J. Wilhelm, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Model-Based Control of Cathode Pressure and Oxygen Excess Ratio of a PEM Fuel Cell System, J. Power Sources, Vol. 176, No. 2, pp. 515-522, 2008.
  12. A. Rauh, M. Kletting, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Reduction of Overestimation in Interval Arithmetic Simulation of Biological Wastewater Treatment Processes, SCAN 2004, 11th GAMM - IMACS Internat. Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics, Fukuoka, Japan, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics 199 (2007), pp. 207-212, 2007.
  13. M. Kletting, A. Rauh, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Consistency Tests in Guaranteed Simulation of Nonlinear Uncertain Systems with Application to an Activated Sludge Process, SCAN 2004, 11th GAMM - IMACS Internat. Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics, Fukuoka, Japan, J. Computational and Applied Mathematics 199 (2007), pp. 213-219, 2007.
  14. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Modelling and Flatness-Based Control of a Carriage Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles, GAMM Annual Conference, Dresden, 2004, Online Journal Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics PAMM, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 125-126, 2004.
  15. J. Minisini, H. Aschemann, E.P. Hofer; W. Frenschek, R. Schelenz and P.W. Gold; überwachung eines Nutzfahrzeug-Antriebsstrangs mit Beobachter, ATZ Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, Jahrg. 106, Bd. 2, S. 142-148, 2004. Engl. Version: Monitoring a Truck Drive Train Using an Observer, ATZ worldwide, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, Vol. 106, No. 2, pp. 21-23, 2004.
  16. H. Aschemann, I. Hild and E.P. Hofer; Non-linear Model Based Control for a Hydraulically Actuated Mobile Harbour Crane, Online Journal Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics PAMM, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 144-147, 2003.
  17. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny and E.P. Hofer; Model Based Trajectory Control of an Overhead Travelling Crane, Online Journal Proc. in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics PAMM, Wiley-VCH Verlag, Weinheim, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 108-109, 2003.
  18. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, S. Lahres; An Automated Gantry Crane as a Large Workspace Robot, Control Engineering Practice 10 (2002), Elsevier Science Ltd., pp. 1323-1338, 2002.
  19. C. Rembe, H. Aschemann, S. aus der Wiesche, E.P. Hofer, H. Debeda, J. Mohr and U. Wallrabe; Testing and Improvement of Micro-Optical-Switch Dynamics, J. Microelectronics Reliability, Pergamon Press, Vol. 41, pp. 471-480, 2001.
Begutachtete Kongressbeiträge


  1. H. Aschemann, R. Prabel, C. Groß: Flatness-Based Control for an Internal Combustion Engine Cooling System,ICM 2011; IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics 13-15 April 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. H. Aschemann, R. Prabel, D. Schindele: Nonlinear Control of an Electro-Pneumatic Clutch for Truck applications using Extended Linearisation Techniques,12th Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power 18-20 May 2011, Tampere, Finland.
  3. J. Ritzke and H. Aschemann: Design and Experimental Validation of Nonlinear Trajectory Control of a Drive Chain with Hydrostatic Transmission, The Twelfth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, May 18-20, 2011, Tampere, Finland.
  4. A. Rauh; C. Dittrich; L. Senkel; H. Aschemann: Sensitivity Analysis for the Design of Robust Nonlinear Control Strategies for Energy-Efficient Pressure Boosting Systems in Water Supply, ISIE2011, Gdansk, Poland, 2011.
  5. A. Rauh; C. Siebert; H. Aschemann: Verified Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Systems with Friction and Hysteresis, ENOC 2011, Rome, Italy, 2011.
  6. A. Rauh; E. Auer; H. Aschemann: Sensitivity Analysis for Reliable Feedforward and Feedback Control of Dynamical Systems with Uncertainties, EURODYN 2011, Leuven, Belgium, 2011.
  7. A. Rauh; L. Senkel; C. Dittrich; H. Aschemann: Sensitivitätsanalyse zur Entwicklung robuster nichtlinearer Regelungsstrategien für energieeffiziente Pumpensysteme in der Gebäudewasserversorgung, Mechatronik 2011, Dresden, Germany, 2011.
  8. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann ; MPC for fast exible rack feeders, 7th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (ENOC), Rome, Italy, 2011.
  9. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann ; Fast nonlinear MPC for an overhead travelling crane, 18th IFAC World Congress 2011, Milano, Italy, 2011.
  10. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann ; ILC for a fast linear axis driven by pneumatic muscle actuators, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2011.


  1. A. Rauh; E. Auer; H. Aschemann: Sensitivity-Based Feedforward and Feedback Control for Uncertain Systems, Presented at 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics SCAN2010, Lyon, France, 2010.
  2. A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Interval-Based Sliding Mode Control and State Estimation for Uncertain Systems, 14th GAMM-IMACS International Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics SCAN2010, Lyon, France, 2010.
  3. A. Rauh; R. Weitschat; H. Aschemann: Modellgestützter Beobachterentwurf zur Betriebszustands- und Alterungserkennung für Lithium-Ionen-Batterien, 7. VDI-Tagung Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe, Dresden, Germany, VDI-Berichte 2105: Innovative Fahrzeugantriebe 2010 Die Vielfalt der Mobilität: Vom Verbrenner bis zum E-Motor, pp. 105-114, 2010.
  4. M. Leska; R. Prabel; A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Simulation and Optimization of the Longitudinal Dynamics of Parallel Hybrid Railway Vehicles, FORMS/FORMAT-2010, Braunschweig, Germany, 2010.
  5. J. Ritzke; A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Error Estimates for Finite-Dimensional Approximations in Control of Distributed Parameter Systems, in Minisymposium on Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, ECMI2010, Wuppertal, Germany, 2010.
  6. A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Structural Analysis for the Design of Reliable Controllers and State Estimators for Uncertain Dynamical Systems, in Minisymposium on Modeling, Design, and Simulation of Systems with Uncertainties, ECMI2010, Wuppertal, Germany, 2010.
  7. D. Schindele, H. Aschemann and J. Ritzke ; Norm-Optimal ILC Applied to a High-Speed Rack Feeder, 8th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM), Rhodes, Greece, 2010.
  8. D. Poljak; D. Schindele; F. Antritter; H. Aschemann; C. Hillermeier; Control of an Overhead Crane with the Controlled Lagrangian Method, 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Bologna, Italy, 2010.
  9. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann ; Norm-Optimal Iterative Learning Control for a High-Speed Linear Axis with Pneumatic Muscles, 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS), Bologna, Italy, 2010.
  10. A. Rauh; E. Auer; H. Aschemann: Development of a Quality Measure for the Characterization of Guaranteed Solution Sets to ODEs in Engineering. CD-Proc. of 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Bologna, Italy, 2010.
  11. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann ; Trajectory Tracking of a Pneumatically Driven Parallel Robot Using Higher-Order SMC, 15th International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics (MMAR), Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2010.
  12. H. Aschemann; A. Rauh; R. Prabel: Nonlinear Control of a Pressurised Water Supply Driven by a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor. CD-Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2010, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2010.
  13. A. Rauh; H. Aschemann: Sensitivity-Based Feedforward and Feedback Control Using Algorithmic Differentiation. CD-Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2010, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2010.
  14. A. Rauh; J. Minisini; H. Aschemann: Incremental Gain Scheduling and Eigenvalue Tracking for Robust Pole Assignment in Extended Linearization of Nonlinear Control Systems. CD-Proc. of IEEE Intl. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2010, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2010.
  15. H. Aschemann; A. Rauh: Nonlinear Control and Disturbance Compensation for Underactuated Ships Using Extended Linearisation Techniques. Proc. of 8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, CAMS 2010, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 2010.
  16. A. Rauh; V. Grigoryev; H. Aschemann; M. Paschen: Incremental Gain Scheduling and Sensitivity-Based Control for Underactuated Ships. Proc. of 8th IFAC Conference on Control Applications in Marine Systems, CAMS 2010, Rostock-Warnemünde, Germany, 2010.
  17. V. Grigoryev; A. Rauh; H. Aschemann; M. Paschen: Development of a Neural Network-Based Controller for Ships. Proc. of 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD), Lappeenranta, Finland, ISBN 978-952-214-778-3, 2010.
  18. H. Aschemann and J. Ritzke: Gain-Scheduled Tracking Control for High-Speed Rack Feeders., In: Proc. of 1st Joint Intl. Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD), Lappeenranta, Finland, ISBN 978-952-214-778-3, 2010.
  19. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Sliding Mode Control for a Delta Parallel Robot actuated by Pneumatic Muscles, First Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD), Lappeenranta, Finland, ISBN 978-952-214-778-3, 2010.


  1. A. Rauh, H. Aschemann and V. Naumov; Experimental Validation of Flatness-Based Control for Distributed Heating Systems. In Proc. of Days of Mechanics, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 91-95, ISSN 0861-9727, 2009.
  2. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Adaptive Friction Compensation Based on the LuGre Model for a Pneumatic Rodless Cylinder, 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), pp. 1434-1439, Porto, Portugal, 2009.
  3. A. Rauh, E. Auer and H. Aschemann; Real-Time Application of Interval Methods for Robust Control of Dynamical Systems, IEEE Intl. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2009, CD-ROM, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2009.
  4. A. Rauh, J. Minisini and H. Aschemann; Carleman Linearization for Control and for State and Disturbance Estimation of Nonlinear Dynamical Processes, IEEE Intl. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2009, CD-ROM, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2009.
  5. H. Aschemann, J. Ritzke and H. Schulte; Model-Based Nonlinear Trajectory Control of a Drive Chain with Hydrostatic Transmission, IEEE Intl. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2009, CD-ROM, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, 2009.
  6. H. Aschemann and J. Ritzke; Adaptive aktive Schwingungsdämpfung und Trajektorienfolgeregelung für hochdynamische Regalbediengeräte, Proc. of Schwingungen in Antrieben, VDI-Berichte 2077, S. 293-302, 2009.
  7. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; IDA-Passivity-Based Trajectory Control of an Overhead Crane, Proc. of 9th International IFAC Symposium on Robot Control SYROCO, Gifu, Japan, 2009.
  8. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Disturbance Compensation Strategies for a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. of European Control Conference ECC, Budapest, Hungary, 2009.
  9. D. Schindele, I. Menn and H. Aschemann; Nonlinear Optimal Control of an Overhead Travelling Crane, Proc. of 3rd IEEE International Conference on Control Applications CCA, CD-ROM, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2009.
  10. A. Rauh, I. Menn and H. Aschemann; Robust Control with State and Disturbance Estimation for Distributed Parameter Systeme, Proc. 15th Intl. Workshop on Dynamics and Control 2009, Tossa de Mar, Spain, pp. 135-142, 2009.
  11. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Delta Parallel Robot Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, Proc. 15th Intl. Workshop on Dynamics and Control IWDC, Tossa de Mar, Spain, pp. 151-158, 2009.
  12. A. Rauh, J. Minisini and H. Aschemann; Interval Arithmetic Techniques for the Design of Controllers for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Applications in Mechanics, presented at Conference on Control of Dynamical Systems, Moscow, Russia, 2009.
  13. H. Aschemann and H. Schulte; Modeling and Nonlinear Trajectory Control of a Drive Chain with Hydrostatic Transmission, presented at Conference on Control of Dynamical Systems, Moscow, Russia, 2009. Under review.


  1. H. Aschemann; Passivity-Based Trajectory Control of an Overhead Crane by Interconnection and Damping Assignment, Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC, Munich, Germany, 2008.
  2. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Adaptive Backstepping Control of a Pneumatically Driven Rodless Cylinder, Proc. 9th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC, Munich, Germany, 2008.
  3. H. Aschemann; Passivity-Based Control of an Overhead Travelling Crane, Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp. 7678-7683, 2008.
  4. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Backstepping Control of a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. of 17th IFAC World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pp. 7684-7689, 2008.
  5. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. American Control Conference ACC, Seattle, USA, pp. 3017-3022, 2008.


  1. D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Fast Parallel Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS, Pretoria, South Africa, pp. 206-211, 2007.
  2. H. Aschemann, M. Widder and D. Schindele: Sliding Mode Control of a Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, Proc. 13th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Szczecin, Poland, pp. 71-76, 2007.
  3. H. Aschemann and D. Schindele; Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of a Linear Axis Based on Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. 4th Int. Symposium on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics ICINCO, pp. 92-99, Angers, France, 2007.
  4. I. Menn, W. Wild and H. Aschemann; Real-Time Measurement of Human Blood Flow With High Temporal and Spatial Resolution, In: G.L. Coté, A.V. Priezzhev (Hrsg), Optical Diagnostics and Sensing VII, Bd. 6445, SPIE, 2007.
  5. M. Kletting, A. Rauh, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Interval Observer Design Based on Taylor Models for Nonlinear Uncertain Continuous-Time Systems, SCAN 2006, CD-Proc. 12th GAMM - IMACS Internat. Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics, Duisburg, Germany, IEEE Computer Society, 2007.


  1. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Nonlinear Trajectory Control of a High-Speed Linear Axis Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, Proc. 32nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society IECON, Paris, France, pp. 3857-3862, 2006.
  2. H. Aschemann, A. Rauh, M. Kletting and E.P. Hofer; Flatness-Based Control of a Simplified Wastewater Treatment Plant, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications CCA, Munich, Germany, pp. 2243-2248, 2006.
  3. A. Rauh, M. Kletting, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Interval Methods for Simulation of Dynamical Systems with State-Dependent Switching Characteristics, Proc. IEEE International Conference on Control Applications CCA, Munich, Germany, pp. 355-360, 2006.
  4. T. Wecker, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; An Innovative Material Flow System Using an Automated Overhead Travelling Crane, Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 591-596, 2006.
  5. M. Danzer, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Pressure Observation and Nonlinear Model-Based Pressure and Flow Control for a PEM Fuel Cell System, Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 411-416, 2006.
  6. H. Aschemann, D. Schindele and E.P. Hofer; Non-Linear Optimal Control of a Mechatronic System With Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 207-213, 2006.
  7. M. Kletting, A. Rauh, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Interval Observer Design for Nonlinear Systems with Uncertain Time-Varying Parameters, Proc. 12th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 361-366, 2006.
  8. M. Danzer, J. Wilhelm, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Model-Based Control of Cathode Pressure and Oxygen Excess Ratio of a PEM Fuel Cell System, Proc. UETC, CD-ROM, Ulm, Germany, 2006.


  1. M. Danzer, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Dynamic Modelling and Decentralised Flatness-Based Control of a PEM Fuel Cell System, Proc. Internat. Hydrogen Energy Congress and Exhibition IHEC, CD-ROM, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005.
  2. H. Aschemann, A. Rauh, M. Kletting, E.P. Hofer, M. Gennat and B. Tibken; Interval Analysis and Nonlinear Control of an Uncertain Wastewater Plant, Proc. 16th Triennial World Congress Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, CD-ROM, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005.
  3. M. Kletting, A. Rauh, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Consistency Techniques for Simulation of Wastewater Treatment Processes With Uncertainties, Proc. 16th Triennial World Congress Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, CD-ROM, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005.
  4. T. Wecker, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Sensor-Based Collision Avoidance for Rope-Suspended Autonomous Material Flow Systems, Proc. 16th Triennial World Congress Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, CD-ROM, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005.
  5. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Flatness-Based Control of a Parallel Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. of 16th Triennial World Congress Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, CD-ROM, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005.
  6. A. Rauh, M. Kletting, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Robust Controller Design for Bounded State and Control Variables and Uncertain Parameters Using Interval Arithmetics, Proc. Internat. Conf. on Control and Automation ICCA, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 777-782, 2005.
  7. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Flatness-Based Trajectory Planning and Control for a Parallel Robot Actuated by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. ECCOMAS Thematic Conference Multibody Dynamics 2005 - Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, CD-ROM, Madrid, Spain, 2005.
2002 - 2004

2002 - 2004

  1. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Flatness-Based Trajectory Control of a Pneumatically Driven Carriage with Model Uncertainties, Proc. 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems NOLCOS, Stuttgart, pp. 239-244, 2004.
  2. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Trajectory Control of a Mechatronic System Driven by Pneumatic Muscle Actuators, Proc. 7th Intern. Conf. on Motion and Vibration Control MOVIC04, St. Louis, USA, CD-Rom, Paper 30, 2004.
  3. A. Rauh, M. Kletting, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Application of Interval Arithmetic Simulation Techniques to Wastewater Treatment Processes, Proc. 23rd IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control MIC, Grindelwald, Switzerland, No. 412-165, pp. 287-293, 2004.
  4. T. Wecker, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Autonomous Path Planning for an Overhead Travelling Crane, Proc. Workshop on Advanced Control and Diagnosis, Duisburg, pp. 89-94, 2003.
  5. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Flatness-Based Control of a Carriage Driven by Pneumatic Muscles, Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 1219-1224, 2003.
  6. H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Non-linear Control of Crane Modules for High Rack Storage Areas, Proc. 9th IEEE International Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, pp. 635-640, 2003.
  7. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann and A. Bulach; Mechatronical Designed Control of Fire-Rescue Turntable-Ladders as Flexible Link Robots, Proc. 15th Triennial World Congress Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, CD-ROM, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
  8. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny and E.P. Hofer; Trajectory Control of Crane Load Position and Inclination, Proc. 15th Triennial World Congress Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, CD-ROM, Barcelona, Spain, 2002.
  9. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, J. Kümpel, C. Tarin and K. Schneider; Anti-Sway Control for Boom Cranes, Proc. American Control Conference ACC 2002, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2002.
  10. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny, A. Bulach and E.P. Hofer; Model Based Trajectory Control of a Flexible Turntable Ladder, Proc. American Control Conference ACC 2002, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, 2002.
1999 - 2001

1999 - 2001

  1. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, A. Bulach and E.P. Hofer; Online Generation of Trajectories Considering Kinematic Constraints, Proc. 7th Intern. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2001, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, Vol. 2, pp. 713-718, 2001.
  2. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny, A. Bulach and E.P. Hofer; Modelling and Gain-Scheduled Trajectory Control of a Flexible Turntable Ladder, Proc. 7th Intern. Conference on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics MMAR 2001, Miedzyzdroje, Poland, Vol. 2, pp. 719-724, 2001.
  3. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny and E.P. Hofer; Active Damping of Tilt Oscillations and Trajectory Control of Overhead Cranes, Proc. 26th IEEE Intl. Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation, Nagoya, Japan, pp. 70-75, 2000.
  4. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny, S. Lahres and E.P. Hofer; Disturbance Estimation and Compensation for Trajectory Control of an Overhead Crane, Proc. American Control Conference ACC 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp. 1027-1031, 2000.
  5. S. Lahres, H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny and E.P. Hofer; Crane Automation by Decoupling Control of a Double Pendulum Using Two Translational Actuators, Proc. American Control Conference ACC 2000, Chicago, Illinois, USA, pp. 1052-1056, 2000.
  6. H. Aschemann, S. Lahres, O. Sawodny and E.P. Hofer; Gain Scheduled Motion Control of an Overhead Traveling Crane, Proc. IFAC Conference of Control Systems Design CSD 2000, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, pp. 599-604, 2000.
  7. S. Lahres, H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny and E.P. Hofer; Observer and Control Design for the Rotation of Crane Loads, Proc. IFAC Conference Control Systems Design CSD 2000, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, pp. 649-653, 2000.
  8. C. Rembe, H. Aschemann, S. aus der Wiesche, E.P. Hofer, H. Debeda, J. Mohr and U. Wallrabe; Nontactile Reliability Testing of a Micro Optical Attenuator, Proc. IEEE Intl. Reliability Physics Symposium, San José, California, USA, pp. 1-6, 2000.
  9. O. Sawodny, K. Briechle, S. Lahres, H. Aschemann and E.P. Hofer; Damping of Tilt Oscillations of Loads in Automated Crane Systems, Proc. European Control Conference ECC99, Karlsruhe, Germany, CM-11, pp. 1-6, 1999.
  10. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, S. Lahres and E.P. Hofer; A Material Handling And Logistic System Using an Automated Crane, Proc. 14th Triennial World Congress, Intl. Federation of Automatic Control IFAC, Beijing, P. R. China, Vol. B, pp. 517-522, 1999.
  11. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, S. Lahres und E.P. Hofer; Tracking Control for Automated Bridge Cranes, Proc. EURISCON 98 The 3rd European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference, Athen, Greece, 1998, in: S.G. Tzafestas (Ed.), Advances in Manufacturing, Decision, Control and Information Technology, Springer-Verlag, London Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 310-320, 1999.
Weitere Publikationen

Weitere Publikationen

  1. A. Rauh und H. Aschemann; Echtzeitfähiger Einsatz von Intervallmethoden zur Trajektorienplanung und modell-prädiktiven Regelung unsicherer dynamischer Systeme, 43. Regelungstechnisches Kolloquium, Boppard, Germany,  <link typo3 servlet is external-link internen>, 2009.
  2. A. Rauh; J. Minisini; H. Aschemann: Interval Arithmetic Techniques for the Design of Controllers for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems with Applications in Mechanics, presented at Conference on Control of Dynamical Systems, Moscow, Russia, 2009.
  3. D. Poljak, C. Hillermeier, D. Schindele and H. Aschemann; Nichtlineare Regelung eines Brückenkrans mit der Methode der Controlled Lagrangians, Workshop des GMA-Fachausschuss 1.40, Anif/Salzburg, 2009.
  4. J. Minisini, W. Frenschek, H. Aschemann, R. Schelenz, E.P. Hofer und P.W. Gold; Beobachtung schlecht zugänglicher Messgrößen mittels modellgestützter Messtechnik, Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V., Frankfurt, Heft 697, 2003.
  5. J. Minisini, H. Aschemann, E.P. Hofer, W. Frenschek, R. Schelenz und P.W. Gold; Modellgestützte Meßtechnik, Tagungsband FVA Informationstagung, Würzburg, Nr. 03/04, S. 1-19, 2002.
  6. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, G. Lukas; Hochregallager mit bahngeregelten seilgeführten Regalbedieneinheiten, Tagungsband 10. Kranfachtagung 2002, Kranautomatisierung - Komponenten - Sicherheit im Einsatz, Magdeburg, Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität, Tagungsberichte Nr. 10, S. 57-76, 2002.
  7. A. Rauh; M. Kletting; H. Aschemann; E. P. Hofer: Einsatz intervallarithmetischer Methoden für Sicherheit und Optimierung von biologischen Abwasserreinigungsanlagen, 12. Simba-Treffen, Dynamische Simulation abwassertechnischer Systeme, Wittenberg, Germany.
  8. O. Sawodny und H. Aschemann; Bahnregelung für den Transfaster, Z. Hebezeuge und Fördermittel, Verlag Technik, Berlin, 42 (2002) 4, S. 200-201, 2002.
  9. O. Sawodny, K. Schneider, H. Aschemann, J. Kümpel, C. Tarin; Aktives Lastpendeldämpfersystem für Liebherr-Auslegerkrane, In: Marquart, H.-G. (Hrsg.): Krane - Einsatzerfahrungen und Entwicklungstendenzen, Begleitband zur 9. Kranfachtagung vom 10.05.2001, Dresden, 2001.
  10. B. Tibken, E.P. Hofer, J. Heeks, K. Thorwart und H. Aschemann; Simulation of a Common Rail Fuel Injection System Using Interval Arithmetic, Presented at SCAN 2002, 10th GAMM - IMACS Internat. Symposium on Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic, and Validated Numerics, Paris, France, 2002.
  11. H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny und E.P. Hofer; Adaptive Steuerung für einen Brückenkran, in: M. Hompel (Hrsg.), Automatisierte Krane - Einsatzerfahrungen und Entwicklungstendenzen, Dortmund, Verlag Praxiswissen, Dortmund, 2000.
  12. O. Sawodny, E.P. Hofer, H. Aschemann und S. Lahres; Vom automatischen Kran zum Großraumroboter, Tagungsband 7. Kranfachtagung 99, Kranautomatisierung - Einfluß auf Antriebe, Komponenten und Einsatzfelder, Magdeburg, Otto-Von-Guericke-Universität, Tagungsberichte Nr. 10, S. 57-76, 1999.
  13. S. Lahres, H. Aschemann, O. Sawodny und E.P. Hofer; Regallager-Bedienung mit Automatikkran, Z. Hebezeuge und Fördermittel, 39. Jahrg., Nr. 10, S. 456-459, 1999.
  14. O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, S. Lahres und E.P. Hofer; Der Kran als Roboter, Z. Hebezeuge und Fördermittel, 39. Jahrg., Nr. 9, S. 384-387, 1999.


  • Kran oder Bagger zum Umschlagen von einer an einem Lastseil hängenden Last mit Lastpendeldämpfung. H. Aschemann, E.P. Hofer, J. Kümpel, O. Sawodny, C. Tarin, Patentanmeldung DE 100 51 915.6, Anmeldetag 19.10.2000, Anmelder: Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH.
  • Drehleiter. H. Aschemann, E.P. Hofer, O. Sawodny, Patentanmeldung DE 100 16 137.5, Anmeldetag 31.03.2000, Anmelder: IVECO Magirus Brandschutztechnik GmbH.
  • Drehleiter-Regelung. H. Aschemann, E.P. Hofer, O. Sawodny, Patentanmeldung DE 100 16 136.7, Anmeldetag 31.03.2000, Anmelder: IVECO Magirus Brandschutztechnik GmbH.
  • Verfahren zur Bahnregelung von Kranen und Vorrichtung zum bahngenauen Verfahren einer Last. E.P. Hofer, O. Sawodny, H. Aschemann, S. Lahres, A. Hartmann, Deutsche Patentanmeldung Az.: 199 07 989.7, 24.02.1999.