M.Sc. Lukas Pröhl
Research Scientist
University of Rostock
Chair of Mechatronics
Justus-von-Liebig Weg 6
18059 Rostock
Raum: UT02
Tel.: +49 381 / 498 - 9213
Fax: +49 381 / 498 - 9092
If you want to make an appointment, please contact me via E-Mail or phone.
- modelling and simulation of traction chains within rolling stock
- development of a simulation tool to assess technical innovations and optimize energy consumption in railway application
- development of model-predictive control techniques
Supervision of technical courses
Student projects
Student projects
Current student projects
- Wurr, Sebastian: Masterthesis
Reviewed Papers
- Rauh, Andreas; Krägenbring, Ole; Pröhl, Lukas; Aschemann, Harald: Sensitivity-Based Approaches for an Efficient Design of Learning-Type Controllers of a Flexible High-Speed Rack Feeder System, Proc. of IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control, Antibes, France, 2014.
Further publications
- Pröhl, Lukas: Nonlinear techniques for the identification and observer-based control for mobile robots, Masterthesis, Chair of Mechatronics, University of Rostock, September 2016.
- Pröhl, Lukas: Comparision of model-based control and state estimation for a small-scale segway robot, Studentproject, Chair of Mechatronics, University of Rostock, March 2016.
- Pröhl, Lukas: Modelling, identification and control of a test rig for magnetic bearing, Bachelorthesis, Chair of Mechatronics, University of Rostock, September 2014.